Help and FAQ
If you can find the answer you're looking for below, then please get in touch and we will be happy to help.
Setup Questions
Why can I only see the company details page?
Before you can begin creating your projects you need to add your company details as these will be automatically populate into your completed manual.
I need more than one type of manual for my business, how do I add more?
We give you all of our main templates automatically so if you don’t see the manual you need please get in touch and we can arrange to get it added.
I don't see the work type for my business, e.g. Dry Walling
We are adding new codes all the time. If you don’t see ones for the business you run please contact us and we can look at getting them included.
Can you help with my templates?
Of course, contact us for setup assistance.
Job & Manual Questions
Why isn't the job manual showing up?
Before you can begin creating your projects you need to add your company details as these will be automatically populate into your completed manual.
I'm getting an error that the job cannot be created.
Please contact support.
Changes not showing in newly created manual
If you’ve made changes to the job detail and re-created the manual but are not seeing the changes in the browser window it could be that it is cached (saved by the browser). You may need to hard refresh the page to see the latest version.
General Questions
Where are my credit card details stored?
All credit card information is stored securely in Stripe, Dokkit doesn’t have access to the full details.
How do I update my subscription?
If you need to update (either upgrade or downgrade) your subscription. In the app goto the Company menu in the top right and click Company. Then in the Account Details section you can see the current plan and click through to view the other options.
How do I cancel my subscription?
We’re hoping you won’t but if you need to, go to the Company page and click the ‘Cancel Dokkit’ link. Please do give us feedback on the cancellation page so that we can improve.
Still need help?
Email us at info@dokkit.co.uk to speak to our helpful team